AARP Eye Center
Event Update!
On Saturday, March 8 AARP Indiana held a Complete Streets kickoff event in Fort Wayne at The Forum. Attendees got to watch the premier of the Complete Streets video, hear from a panel of local advocates on the importance of safer streets, and participate in a Q&A. Light snacks and drinks were provided by Chapman Brewing.
Overall, the event was a great success with over 60 people in attendance. Director of Community Engagement, Emily Gorman, gave opening remarks and Active Transportation Coalition member Betsy Kachmar spoke briefly about Complete Streets. AARP Indiana volunteer Becky Weimerskirch was interviewed by WANE 15, who was also present at the event.
You can watch the recap video above or on the AARP Indiana YouTube page. Below you will find additional information on Complete Streets and how you can join the effort to make Fort Wayne more livable.
What is Complete Streets?
Whether you are a pedestrian, bicyclist, motorist, or transit rider you deserve access to safe and accessible streets. AARP Indiana has partnered with Smart Growth America to advocate for an upgrade of the current Complete Streets resolution in Fort Wayne. Complete Streets is a city-wide approach to planning, designing, building and maintaining streets that enables safe access for people of all ages, including older adults.
The city of Fort Wayne adopted their original Complete Streets resolution in 2016, which showed their commitment to safety for all road users, not just those traveling by car. While this is a necessary first step, Smart Growth America’s Complete Streets Policy Framework has identified areas for improvement in the current resolution. One major improvement includes upgrading the existing resolution to a binding legal ordinance.
Why does Fort Wayne need a Complete Streets ordinance?
Smart Growth America’s “Dangerous by Design” report outlines how poor road design has caused an increase in pedestrian and cyclist fatalities to a 40-year high across the country. Indiana is following this trend. The Fort Wayne Police Department has reported more pedestrian deaths due to being struck by a car in the last four years. These statistics highlight the importance of upgrading the Fort Wayne Complete Streets resolution to an ordinance.
Unlike a resolution, an ordinance has the force of law behind it. It requires compliance from all relevant parties, including city planners and developers. Ordinances also provide clear, enforceable standards and guidelines, which reduces the risk of inconsistent applications. A Complete Streets ordinance would ensure that all future street/transit projects and renovations are designed with the needs of pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users in mind.
Additionally, resolutions are more easily changed or ignored by future administrations. Ordinances represent long-term commitments that are binding, which provides stability for sustained improvements throughout the city. The adoption of this ordinance would demonstrate the City of Fort Wayne’s commitment to the community and its safety.
Fort Wayne is a thriving city, drawing more and more residents every year. Since 2010, the city has grown over 7% to reach a population of over 270,000 local residents. After Indianapolis, Fort Wayne is the second most populous city in Indiana. These numbers show that more and more people are coming to Fort Wayne and these individuals desire accessibility. The 15-minute city (residents’ daily needs are within a 15-minute walk, cycle or public transit ride away) is gaining popularity among both U.S. residents and policy makers, indicating a need for Fort Wayne to continue to improve their transportation infrastructure.
How can you get involved?
There are multiple ways for you as an individual to get involved with the Complete Streets movement. The first is to join the Active Transportation Coalition (ATC), Complete Streets Policy Subcommittee (linked here). The ATC’s goal is to reform Fort Wayne’s existing Complete Streets Policy Resolution and pass the policy as an ordinance.
You can also scan the QR code at the bottom of the page to watch and share the video “Championing Complete Streets: Community-led progress in Fort Wayne.” This video highlights the changes that have already been made and how they have led to safer environments throughout the city.
Lastly, you can join us in the effort to make Fort Wayne a more livable community. Click the link and you will be taken to the action page for AARP Indiana and Complete Streets.

Be sure to follow AARP Indiana on Facebook, YouTube, and X for continued updates from the Fort Wayne area.