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AARP AARP States Indiana

AARP Indiana Names 2019 Capitol Caregivers

To honor their integral work to support Indiana’s family caregivers during last year’s session, AARP Indiana has named eight Hoosier lawmakers as “2019 Capitol Caregivers,” a bipartisan group of 74 elected officials from 30 states. These leaders advanced policies that support Indiana’s family caregivers. Caregivers help their parents, spouses, adult children with disabilities, and other loved ones live independently at home and in the community.

“We’re proud to name eight Hoosiers as 2019 Capitol Caregivers,” Sarah Waddle, AARP Indiana State Director, said. “These awardees have proven to be allies of people that are crucial parts of both families and communities.”

Last session, there were two pieces of legislation these legislators championed to help caregivers across the state:

Senate Enrolled Act 380 – Supported Decision Making

Supported Decision Making (Senate Enrolled Act 380) created the option for adults, who need support and accommodations in making, communicating, and effectuating decisions, to enter into supported decision making agreements. This is a less restrictive alternative to guardianship and a way to accommodate the decision-making process so a person can retain as much independence and self-determination as possible.

“Changes throughout life can be challenging to handle,” Waddle said. “The passage of Senate Enrolled Act 380 gave people more options as they try to navigate already difficult decisions, and that just might make a tough situation for an individual or a family a little bit easier.”

Capitol Caregivers:

· Sen. Mike Bohacek (R-Michiana Shores)

· Sen. Eric Koch (R- Bedford)

· Sen. Tim Lanane (D-Anderson

· Sen. Linda Rogers (R-Granger)

· Sen. Greg Taylor (D-Indianapolis)

House Enrolled Act 1344 - Nurse Licensure Compact

House Enrolled Act 1344 had Indiana join with more than 33 other states in the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC). By being a part of the NLC, nurses with multi-state licenses are able to practice in Indiana without having to obtain a brand-new license which added costs and prevented nurses from practicing immediately.

Capitol Caregivers:

· Rep. Ed Clere (R-New Albany)

· Rep. Steve Davisson (R-Salem)

· Sen. Andy Zay (R-Huntington)

“Family caregivers are the backbone of our care system,” Waddle said. “And they need our support.”

Across Indiana, nearly 840,000 Hoosiers provide unpaid care for their older parents, spouses, children and adults with disabilities, and other loved ones— valued at about $9.4 billion annually. They help with bathing and dressing, handle finances, manage complex medical tasks, and more.

“We thank our Capitol Caregivers for standing up for Hoosiers, and we hope they continue championing the people who help our families and communities thrive.”

If you are a family caregiver, you are not alone.

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