AARP Eye Center

According to a recent AARP survey, one in four Hoosiers older than 45 provide unpaid help and caregiving to an adult friend or loved one.
Nearly 50 percent of Indiana residents older than 45 have done the same in the past.
That’s why it is critical for Hoosiers who are helping others to complete the Indiana Family and Social Services Administration Division of Aging Caregiver Survey.
“It’s not uncommon for our neighbors and friends to be providing care for a loved one,” Sarah Waddle, AARP Indiana State Director, said. “Caregiving can be a difficult journey, and caregivers now have the opportunity to tell the state how that journey can be made easier.”
The Division of Aging is looking to speak with people who have been caregivers at some point during the last 12 months. Caregiving can entail, but is not limited to:
• Companionship or checking in by phone or in person, even just talking with them about their life or participating in leisure activities with them
• Household tasks like cooking, cleaning, shopping or yardwork
• Personal care like dressing or grooming
• Transportation
• Managing bills, insurance or legal matters
• Responding to medical or other emergencies
You can complete the survey here or by calling 800-258-7691. Survey responses are due by October 1.*
*This is not an AARP survey. Any information you provide to the State of Indiana will be governed by its privacy policy.