AARP Eye Center

Indiana’s Family and Social Services Administration’s Division of Aging recently announced the launch of a comprehensive needs assessment survey of adults aged 60 and older.
Indiana is conducting this survey in partnership with Area Agencies on Aging throughout the state and Polco, a research firm and civic engagement platform. Developed by National Research Center at Polco, the questionnaire covers different factors impacting older adults’ quality of life, including local employment and volunteer opportunities, housing, accessibility, mobility, and physical and mental health.
Survey results will help identify the greatest challenges and needs for older adults across the state. This public input will support the development of policies, initiatives, and community programs.
Participants’ responses will be kept confidential, and personal information will be securely stored on Polco. Residents’ individual data and answers are never shared.
Take the survey*
*This is not an AARP website. Any information you will be governed by Polco’s privacy policy.