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AARP AARP States Indiana Advocacy

Indiana Names Capitol Caregivers

Here in Indiana, 837,000 Hoosiers care for an older parent, spouse or other loved one, helping them live independently at home—where they want to be. These family caregivers take on huge responsibilities that can be overwhelming, stressful and exhausting. They juggle full- or part-time jobs, and many are still raising families.


This year, six elected officials in Indiana went above and beyond to provide commonsense support for family caregivers by championing HEA 1337 and HEA 1493.


To recognize their integral leadership to pass this legislation, AARP has named Governor Eric Holcomb, State Senators Randy Head and Ryan Mishler, and State Representatives Tim Brown, Cindy Kirchhofer, and Robin Shackleford  as part


of the 2017 class of “Capitol Caregivers.” This bipartisan group of elected officials from more

than 30 states, including Indiana, advanced policies to bring more support to our greatest support

system – family caregivers.

HEA 1337, Telemedicine Matters, built upon the

telemedicine legislation that passed the Indiana General Assembly in 2016 by removing barriers and expanding services, particularly for Hoosiers in rural communities.


HEA 1493, Long Term

Care and Home Health Agencies, requests that the Division of Aging reports to the General Assembly a plan to expand home and community

based services for individuals who are aged or have a disability. AARP Indiana has been one of the stakeholder providing input to help more Hoosiers receive the services and supports to remain in their homes and communities.

Hoosier Caregivers provide unpaid care valued at about $9 billion annually.

They help their loved ones with:

  • bathing and dressing
  • meal preparation
  • managing finances
  • perform complex medical tasks
  • transportation
  • grocery shopping
  • and so much more

 “Family caregivers need our support,” said Waddle. “AARP Indiana will continue to fight for Hoosier family caregivers and their loved ones in 2018 by supporting workplace flexibility legislation to help working caregivers balance their responsibilities at home and work, and legislation that will increase access to care by cutting through red tape to allow advance practice registered nurses to practice to the full extent of their license.”

If you are a family caregiver, you are not alone.

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