AARP Eye Center

In a recent AARP survey, 86 percent of Hoosiers ranked staying in their own homes as they get older as their top issue when it comes to independent living.
That’s just one reason why the State of Indiana is considering making changes to how our communities approach and provide long-term care.
“The long-term care and support system can be difficult to navigate,” Sarah Waddle, AARP Indiana State Director, said. “It’s crucial that our caregivers – and the people they care for – understand what resources are available to them, as well as provide feedback on the system.”
With the support of the Indiana Department of Family and Social Services, two organizations are hosting events in January meant to inform family caregivers and caregiving recipients about programs that can make this tireless work easier, as well as collect feedback.
ADvancing States and the Indiana Minority Health Coalition invites the public (especially caregiving recipients and caregivers) to participate in the series of virtual community conversations in January.
“Hoosiers deserve to have the best care available,” Waddle said. “As Indiana looks at options for improving choice, quality, and affordability, it is critical to get caregivers’ and care recipients’ firsthand perspective.”
The virtual community conversations will take place January 24 though 28 and February 14 through 18. You can provide early feedback and reach out to ADvancing States for more information here.
If you or a family caregiver needs immediate caregiving assistance, consider contacting the INconnect Alliance.
The INconnect Alliance is comprised of fifteen Aging and Disability Resource Centers throughout Indiana and is designed to make it easy for Hoosiers to find providers, information and community resources for themselves or the people they care for.
Contact your local INconnect Alliance member at 800-713-9023 or to learn how they can help you and your loved one find in-home care options. You can also call dial 2-1-1 for information on a wide range of health and human service agencies and resources in your local community.