AARP Eye Center

In 2020, St. Joseph County joined the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities. It is the first county in Indiana to join this group of municipalities dedicated to making their communities great places for people of all ages.
“AARP Indiana was proud to see St. Joseph County join the network,” Addison Pollock, director of community engagement, said. “We’re eager to partner with the county and local stakeholders to ensure that people of all ages can enjoy their community spaces, services, and amenities.”
With one of every five people in the United States turning 65 by 2030, there is no better time to join the network and improve in the Eight Domains of Livability – Housing, Outdoor Spaces and Buildings, Transportation, Communication and Information, Civic Participation and Employment, Respect and Social Inclusion, Health Services and Community Supports, and Social Participation.
To that end, St. Joseph County is asking for its residents’ help in completing the 2020 Age-Friendly Community Survey.
This survey will help guide the County on priorities for older people and how it can make improvements within the Eight Domains of Livability.
Complete the survey online and learn more about Age-Friendly St. Joseph County.
“Providing honest feedback on how to make a great community like St. Joseph County even better for people of all ages is a great step,” Pollock said. “We’re excited to go on this journey with everyone in the community.”