AARP Eye Center
Combating and Preventing Elder Abuse: Tips for Seniors, Family Members and the Community
Check out this presentation at the 50+ Senior and Boomer Expo, Sheraton Hotel and Conference Ctr.
Saturday, Jan. 26, 10:15 a.m. - 11a.m. Diamond Ballroom
Presented by Lillian Jeter
Lillian Jeter, an international elder abuse consultant, will discuss methods to prevent abuse from happening and ways to protect yourself—not only from physical harm but also from exploitation of your money. Jeter will cover: choosing a nursing home that is free from abuse if a dependent family member has to go into long-term care; guidelines for family members making that choice, as well as the seniors themselves; elder abuse prevention; who can intervene to stop abuse; a Q & A session and more.
Lillian Jeter is a former law enforcement commander who has investigated cases of abuse and been involved in developing policy, procedures, training guidelines and interagency protocols. In 2001, she co-founded the Elder Abuse Prevention Association in Australia.