AARP Eye Center

AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins released the following statement in response to the State of the Union address this evening:
“In tonight’s State of the Union address, AARP was heartened to hear the President highlight the growing crisis of skyrocketing prescription drug prices. Many Americans, particularly older adults and seniors, are struggling financially to afford their medications.
“Prescription drug prices have reached a crisis point. Too many Americans are being forced to choose between paying for the medicines they need to stay healthy and paying for food or rent.
“AARP calls for policy solutions that actually lower drug prices instead of simply shifting costs around within the health care system. To do that, we must deal directly with the root cause of high drug prices: the prices set by drug companies.
“We are eager to work with the President and Congressional leaders from both parties to begin enacting meaningful bipartisan policies to help lower drug prices and their related costs. It’s time for us to move past just talking about the problem. Let’s roll up our sleeves and find solutions.”