AARP Eye Center

2023 Legislative Agenda
AARP Vermont works with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to support legislation and issues that make our state a great place to live for people of all ages.
AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that empowers people to choose how they live as they age, and we advocate on issues that affect residents at the local, state, and national levels. Our membership of nearly 38 million nationwide and approximately 112,000 here in Vermont represent every walk-of-life and reflect diverse populations.
In addition to our advocacy work, we are committed to providing valuable information and resources through a wide variety of free educational, interactive, and fun events. Explore all of our in-person and virtual offerings at and stay informed by signing up for our emails.
This legislative session, AARP Vermont is advocating for:
Work & Save Retirement Program:
VTSaves offers an easy way for employees without access to a workplace retirement savings plan to grow the savings they need for their future. Workers save as much or as little as they want through automatic deductions from their paycheck, at no cost to their employer.
S.135 has advanced through Senate committees, and so far, has seen very strong support.
Uniform Power of Attorney:
We are advocating to make Vermont’s durable Power of Attorney laws uniform across the state. This would help ease planning for the incapacity of a loved one with provisions to discourage abuse and encourage third-party acceptance.
Home-Based Care:
We will urge state leaders to rebalance Vermont’s long-term care system to invest more in home-based care. We also support providing more funding for home modifications to help Vermonters age safely in their own homes.
Paid Family Medical Leave:
This comprehensive paid leave program would ensure that no Vermonter risks their paycheck by taking leave to care for a loved one, welcome a new child, or recover from a health crisis. With up to 12 weeks of paid leave and virtually universal coverage for Vermont’s workforce, it’s the strong package Vermont caregivers need and deserve.
H.66 passed the House with a strong majority. The Senate will now review and take testimony on the bill
Digital Inclusion:
AARP is fighting for Vermonters to have access to affordable and reliable high-speed internet that’s available in the communities where they live.
Support provisions in the housing omnibus bill focused on increasing opportunities for “missing middle housing” development by removing zoning and state regulatory barriers that can block, slow, or make more expensive the production of quality, affordable and middle-income homes. Read the op-ed from AARP VT and partners on this issue.
Transportation & Mobility:
Bus Service: Identify and enact short-term funding to maintain and expand transit services. Affordable and accessible public transit is absolutely critical to meet the needs of older Vermonters; short-term funding to fill gaps until a long-term strategy is implemented is needed to ensure this essential service is maintained.
Improve Street Safety for Walking & Biking:
• Allocate $1million to update the Vermont State Road Design Standards (VSS) and require a completion date of December 1, 2024. Updating the VSS – not done since the standards were implemented in 1997 - will support complete streets and smart growth goals by designing roads for all users’ needs – ultimately enhancing the livability of our towns.
• Continue and expand the Electric-Bike Incentive Program through a $500k investment targeted for Vermonters with low incomes to provide low-cost mobility options to access jobs and services. This investment should be a priority for the Budget Adjustment Act to ensure Vermonters can receive this benefit by summer 2023.
Questions about our agenda, or want to get involved in our advocacy work? Contact our new Advocacy and Outreach Director, Charlie Gliserman