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AARP AARP States Vermont

AARP Vermont Supports Burlington’s Neighborhood Code


AARP supports communities allowing for the construction of Missing Middle Housing as part of a wholistic approach to creating a community that is livable for all ages and abilities. We recognize that the vast majority of people aged 50-plus face barriers in accessing sufficient housing, transportation, and public space options in their communities. Despite these challenges, we firmly believe that everyone deserves to age in a home and community of their choosing. We view Missing Middle Housing as one part of the housing solution.

Research shows that older adults enjoy a better quality of life when they can remain in close proximity to the social connections developed over the course of their lifetime. For many Burlingtonians, downsizing means leaving Burlington altogether due to a lack of available affordable housing options. Updating Burlington’s current zoning to allow for gentle infill and the expansion of housing options will help to improve housing affordability and diversify the City’s housing stock without changing the physical character of the neighborhoods. Missing Middle Housing is a beneficial and needed housing option for people of all ages. AARP VT is honored to have been consulted by Burlington City staff in the drafting of the Neighborhood Code, and given the opportunity to contribute expertise from our aging lens to the proposed zoning changes.

Passing part one of the Neighborhood Code will provide options for homeowners that did not exist before and is a step in the right direction to creating an age-friendly Burlington. We know that well-designed, age-friendly communities foster economic growth and make for happier, healthier residents of all ages.

For more information on the specific proposed zoning changes click here.  

For more information on the benefits of Missing Middle Housing, click here.

Neighborhood Code Information Session – February 20th, 6-7:30 PM

The Office of City Planning will host a Q&A Session, this meeting will provide information about the proposed amendment, as well as answer questions from attendees. The meeting is available in hybrid format, in-person at the Fletcher Free Library’s Fletcher Room (235 College Street) or by Zoom. Submit questions in advance here. Register to join via Zoom here.

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