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AARP AARP States Vermont

Aging in VT: Healthy Living Conference

Join us in Killington for Aging in VT: Healthy Living Conference on Oct. 26.

Featuring Guest Speaker

Former Governor 

Madeleine Kunin

on her new book.

Registration Deadline Extended to Wednesday, October 3rd

The Vermont Association of Area Agencies on Aging (V4A) and the 

Vermont Association of Senior Centers and Meal Providers (VASCAMP) 

are pleased to be holding the 2nd annual Aging in Vermont Conference

with the theme this year on healthy living.


Friday, October 26, 2018 at the

Check-in begins at 8:00 with conference starting at 9:00 to 4:00

More Conference Information​​

  • Reserve a discounted hotel room the day/night before the conference for Thursday, October 25th by calling the hotel directly at 800-282-9955 . Let the hotel staff know you are wanting to reserve a room for the Aging in Vermont Conference.

Registration includes all sessions, light breakfast, lunch and beverages offered throughout the day.

  • Registration is $70.00 per participant
  • Register a group of five or more participants from the same company for a reduced rate of $65.00 per participant
  • Extended registration deadline to October 3rd!


Keynote Speaker:

Sandy Markwood is the CEO of the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a), the organization which represents the nation's 622 Area Agencies on Aging and serves as a champion for the more than 250 Title VI Native American aging programs.  n4a is dedicated to building the capacity of its members to: advocate on behalf of older adults and their caregivers; take action to ensure that communities are equipped to support and enhance the well-being of older adults, people with disabilities and their caregivers; and serve as the focal point in the community for answers on aging.

Prior to joining n4a, Markwood worked for 20 years at the National Association of Counties, the National League of Cities and as the Assistant to the County Executive in Albemarle County, VA.  In these positions, she provided policy and programmatic support to counties and cities throughout the nation on a broad range of issues including aging, health, housing, community development, land use, transportation, environmental quality, and workforce development issues.

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