AARP Eye Center

After an extensive review of several very qualified applicants, AARP Vermont has selected Bethel, VT to receive a $15,000 sponsorship aimed at a downtown revitalization demonstration project slated for late this summer. AARP, town officials and local groups will be collaborating with Team Better Block to implement the Community Demonstration Project -- an approach to revitalization that begins with temporarily transforming a single block into a vibrant destination that illustrates the potential for new business, safer streets and improved livability. Typically, cities and towns have used their Better Blocks to set up farmers’ markets, beer gardens, bookstores and fruit stands. They’ve built swings and climbing areas, set up trampolines and presented school plays, local dance troupes and open-mike musicians. They often lead to more permanent neighborhood improvements.
“We are thrilled to partner with Bethel on this project,” said Kelly Stoddard-Poor of AARP Vermont. “Their application showed a strong commitment, vision and enthusiasm that will help make this a successful initiative. The demonstration will show how simple modifications can powerfully alter the economic, social, and ecological value of a community or neighborhood by gathering designers and community volunteers together to create a weekend intervention.”
Local community organizers were enthusiastic about the opportunity and what it could mean for Bethel going forward. “The Bethel Revitalization Initiative is so excited to work with the AARP and the Better Block Project,” said Julie Hinman of the Bethel Revitalization Initiative. “With momentum already building in Bethel for a more vibrant community, this project will take our downtown to the next level. We have so many creative people and small businesses to tap into and show off. We’re thrilled to use Better Block to help our community imagine even more possibilities for the community - and to show how much we can accomplish together.”
Bethel Town Manager Keith Arlund expressed a strong commitment from town government as well. “On behalf of the Bethel Select Board and the citizens of Bethel I am pleased that the AARP has chosen Bethel for its Better Block demonstration program. The Bethel Revitalization Initiative, through its members and programs, has been a strong leader in the community. We look forward to working with the AARP, the BRI and everyone to showcase Bethel in this event.”
The Bethel grant application stressed that “The potential for a new community vibrancy is in place, but we can’t capitalize on it without major investments in beautification, renovation, and business development. Better Block would help local people and investors see and experience Bethel’s potential in real life. The event could be the tipping point we need to build enthusiasm and solid commitments to make Main Street thrive again.”
Bethel has a population of 2030 according to the 2010 US Census with 700 residents over age 50. About 320 are AARP members.