AARP Eye Center

For more than 70 years, the annual Town Officer Education Conferences have provided an opportunity for municipal officials and citizen volunteers to receive updates on tax laws; learn about new technology, procedures and programs; and discuss other job-related matters. The conferences, sponsored by University of Vermont (UVM) Extension in collaboration with several partner organizations, will be held on April 4, 2019 at Lake Morey Inn, Fairlee, and on April 11, 2019 at the Holiday Inn, Rutland.
The program will workshop topics of interest to a wide array of town officers including town managers, listers, selectboard members, librarians, library trustees and others. Of special interest is a presentation by AARP staff Gordon Miller, Fred Schmidt, and Bob Henneberger, titled Opening the AARP Toolbox: Free Leadership Resources Promoting Community Livability. Participants will learn to engage citizens in walk audits, park surveys and application of a community livability index; all strategies and solutions that make a community attractive to people of all ages! Challenges include attacking barriers to local mobility and therein improving sidewalks, bike routes and paths, opening access to cultural activities, family and neighborhood visits, church and essential services.
The registration fee, covering a light breakfast, lunch, snacks and choice of workshops is $85. To register, go to
A limited number of partial scholarships are available through the Vermont Institute of Government with priority given to officials from towns with populations under 1,000. If interested, contact Virginia Jaquish at (802) 751-8307, ext. 351, or (800) 545-8920. To request a disability-related accommodation to participate, please call by March 14.
If questions, email or visit