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Get Tech Savvy -- Free Tech Workshop on May 7

The CommYOUnity Tech Talk is a free event co-hosted by AARP Vermont, Small Dog Electronics, and Technology for Tomorrow that will provide community members with free tech training.

T4T poster

Local businesses are partnering to bring technology education to those who need it.  AARP Vermont, Small Dog Electronics, and Technology for Tomorrow are co-hosting the CommYOUnity Tech Talk on Saturday, May 7th from 9am-12pm.  The Tech Talk will be hosted at F.H.T. Middle School 500 Dorset Street, South Burlington.  The Tech Talk is a three-part workshop covering the topics Intro to iPhones, Intro to Facebook, and Internet Safety/Fraud Watch.

Each of the three tech topics will be made up of a 20 minute presentation followed by 30 minutes of questions, conversations, mingling, and light refreshments.  The Tech Talk will provide community members an opportunity to ask their technology questions to local professionals and high school volunteers, all with their own areas of tech expertise.

Registration for this FREE event is still open.  To register, go to:

or call or email Carly at: (802)448-0595 /

All participants who attend the event will be entered into a drawing to win a free iPad Mini generously donated by Small Dog Electronics and other door prizes!
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