AARP Eye Center

Elliott Greenblott of Brattleboro, VT has been named as the 2016 winner of the AARP Andrus Community Service Award. AARP’s most prestigious volunteer honor, the award is named for AARP founder, Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus, an educator and tireless advocate of community service and volunteerism. Andrus coined the motto, “To Serve, Not to be Served,” which remains part of the AARP credo to this day.
“Elliott provides an excellent example of the difference that volunteering can make in the lives of individuals and in the well-being and vitality of a community” said Greg Marchildon, AARP Vermont state director. “Through his various volunteer activities and commitments to public service, Elliott shows us day after day how one person’s passion can lead others to action for the good of many. He truly embodies the spirit of the Andrus Award and his many accomplishments are a testament to the power of volunteerism.”
Greenblott heads up AARP Vermont’s Fraud Fighter program as part of the AARP Fraud Watch Network. Since his appointment to this position, he has personally delivered consumer fraud and ID theft prevention presentations that have reached over 750 Vermonters. He coordinates the outreach activities of a team of volunteers and is also the author of a regular fraud prevention column that regularly appears in newspapers across Vermont.
Elliott has built a tremendous program largely due to his enthusiasm for the subject matter, his initiative in finding and following through on outreach opportunities and his tireless energy – while building a great team to supplement expand the FWN message around the state.
Greenblott has been a member of the Windham County unit of the Vermont Retired Teachers Association and has been active in a variety of leadership positions with that organization. He is on the board of COVE – The Community of Vermont Elders. In addition, he has been chairman of the Brattleboro Board of Civil Authority which supervises elections and acts in a quasi-judicial role conducting tax appeal and abatement hearings.
The purpose of the Andrus Community Service Award is to recognize outstanding AARP volunteers and members who are making a powerful difference in their communities, in ways that are consistent with AARP’s mission and vision and that inspire others to service.