AARP Eye Center

Revamp your commute! Rutland City is revolutionizing Woodstock Avenue, crafting a safer haven for all road users. Say goodbye to supersized, high-speed highways that pose risks for both drivers and pedestrians, and hello to “road diets.”
Have you ever noticed how road width affects driving speed? Wider roads often breed faster traffic and more severe accidents. To protect both pedestrians and drivers, many communities across the state are putting their roads on “diets” by reducing street widths and vehicle lanes. This shift isn't just about reducing lanes—it's about reallocating space for walking, biking, and public transit.
Why the buzz? A road diet doesn't just enhance safety; it transforms communities into vibrant hubs, boosting businesses and property values. Safe streets are essential to the livability of our communities because they encourage independence and our ability to remain engaged with our family and friends.
Rutland City has a unique opportunity to improve the safety of one of the city’s major corridors, Woodstock Avenue, by implementing traffic calming measures geared to reduce speed and move traffic more efficiently along a very busy roadway.
The benefits include:
- Lane Reconfiguration: reducing the lanes from four lanes to three will reduce the speed and risk of crashes, making it safer for motorists and pedestrians.
- Addition of a shoulder or buffer: this will provide much-needed protection – a buffer for pedestrians on the sidewalk and will have a traffic calming effect.
- Center turn lane: a third lane will allow for smoother traffic flow and fewer head-on collisions, and easier left turns out of driveways and businesses.
Embrace the change and join us on this thrilling journey towards safer, streets!
To Learn More click on the fact sheets below:
AARP Livability Fact Sheet: Road Diets
Woodstock Avenue Fact Sheet
Road Reconfiguration Project Fact Sheet
To Join AARP VT for a Community Walk Audit on August 22nd, contact: