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AARP AARP States Vermont Advocacy

Making a Difference -- Long Term Care Ombudsmen Needed to Help Vermont Elders

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Mr. Johnson, a former farmer, is not allowed outside for walks.    You hear rumors that there is not enough staff at your local nursing home.  Would you like to have a positive impact on situations like these, but don't know how?  

 The Vermont Long Term Ombudsman Project is looking for volunteers.  Volunteers are needed in every part of our state.  Our volunteers advocate for people in long term care facilities, like nursing homes residential care homes and assisted living residences. They respond to complaints made by or on behalf of the residents. They make sure that residents experience quality care and a good quality of life.  

A volunteer ombudsman must be compassionate, respect older persons, and be good problem solvers. It is important that they can communicate effectively, are good listeners and have a positive attitude.

 We will be training new volunteers on April 15 th from 9:30am - 4pm at the Community National Bank in Barre.  Volunteers will receive about 10 hours of self study materials prior to the training. After the training, they spend about 30 hours in the field shadowing a certified regional ombudsman.   Volunteers and staff meet approximately once a month to learn more about issue that impact long term care residents. We reimburse volunteers for their travel.

 Call or email Alice Harter today at 802-424-4703 or for more information and an application.  Please contact Alice by March 23 rd if you want to participate in the April 15 th training.  

 Residents in long term care homes look forward to meeting you!


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