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AARP AARP States Vermont

Medicare Fraud: It’s Enough to Make You Sick


The annual Medicare Open Enrollment period begins on October 15th. Join Elliott Greenblott, AARP Vermont Fraud Watch Network coordinator for this special presentation addressing fraud associated with Medicare and what Medicare beneficiaries can do to combat it.

Annually, 65 billion dollars is lost to Medicare Fraud that could be applied to extended benefits and reduced taxpayer liability. Learn how Medicare fraud drains resources from health care and individual pockets. The presentation also addresses how beneficiaries can fight fraud and help reduce Medicare expense.

This program is open to the public and is hosted by the Aging Resource Center at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. Attendees do not need to be associated with the medical center. Registration is required. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER. Anyone interested but unable to register should email Elliott Greenblott at

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