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AARP AARP States Vermont Community

Placemaking Mini-Grants Offered - RFP and Applications


AARP Vermont held a Placemaking workshop in White River Junction on March 13. In addition to several excellent presentations, and announcement was made about funding opportunities for local projects around the state. (See links to presentations below.)

This is your chance to "start small" by test-driving a process or material in your community with the expectation that the ‘test drive’ will be further improved upon and refined over time to progress permanent change. Your project will be aimed at temporarily reinventing a space that improves the safety, accessibility and overall appeal. Simple modifications can powerfully alter the health, economic, social, and ecological value of a community.

The objectives of the Placemaking Demonstration Projects are to help participants:

 -Enhance perceptions and attitude toward community change.

 -Recognize how placemaking and community design influence successful aging, health and overall livability.

 -Give participants an expanded toolkit to draw from to build healthier more vibrant public spaces.

 Emphasis will be made on initiatives that demonstrate inclusive, multi-modal infrastructure and placemaking concepts that can be practically applied within the community.

AARP’s vision of livable communities can be found Here

Consider your community’s Livability Score by visiting AARP’s Livability Index which can be found at

For questions about this program or guidance on how to complete a competitive application, contact Kelly Stoddard Poor at 802-951-1313 or

Workshop Presentations:

Arts_Creative Placemaking_Michele Bailey Arts_Creative Placemaking_Michele Bailey

Bennington_Cat Bryars

Bennington_Cat Bryars DIY Placemaking_Rebecca Stone

Placemaking Components_Richard Amore_Gary Holloway

St Johnsbury_Laural Ruggles

Winooski_Jessie Baker

RFP and Applications:

Placemaking RFP_AARP_Final

Application_Placemaking Demonstration Project

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