AARP Eye Center

AARP is focused on a placemaking process that incorporates the needs and desires of a community to catalyze quick improvements and promote true livability. A partnership between AARP VT, VDH, YMCA, Community Workshop and ACCD is interested in exploring how placemaking can help grow strong local economies, support, healthy active lifestyles for people of all ages and ability while strengthening a community’s historical, natural and cultural assets. Two recent workshops in Brattleboro and Burlington featured presentations and discussion on how a placemaking initiative might look in different Vermont communities.
Below are the presentations from the workshops.
Funding Opportunity for communities to test and explore placemaking projects: RFP and Application are below.
Deadline is March 8th
For questions, contact Kelly Stoddard Poor,
GARY_AARP_Placemaking-Brattleboro-Draft(Gary Holloway, Agency of Commerce and Community Development)
Suzanne_Placemaking workshop Feb 2018_FINALSuzanne Kelley, VT Dept of Health)
Kelly_Placemaking Workshop(Kelly Stoddard Poor, Outreach Director, AARP Vermont)
Rebecca_AARP Placemaking SlidesRebecca Sanborn Stone, Community Workshop LLC)
Grant RFP and Application and Tool kit:
Placemaking RFP_AARP_Final
Placemaking_Application_FINAL 3-18