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AARP AARP States Vermont

We Want Your Thoughts on the Age Strong Vermont Plan!

Age Strong Vermont Forum

The Age Strong Vermont Community Forum took place on November 30 at 10:00 AM. A complete recording of the forum can be found below:

Age Strong VT Webinar

Join AARP Vermont and the Vermont Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living on November 30 for a community forum to learn about Age Strong VT, a new 10-year visionary plan with strategies for making Vermont a great place for all ages and stages of life.

Age Strong VT’s goals are big. It touches on all aspects of aging well – a secure retirement, health and wellness, social connection, housing, transportation, community design, a coordinated system of services, family caregiver support, and balancing self-determination with safety and protection. It seeks to expand and strengthen partnerships across government, business, and communities, all while reframing aging and making Vermont livable for all. The work towards this unique multi-sector plan began with the passage of the Older Vermonters Act in 2020, and the Advisory Committee has been diligently working the last two years to listen to Vermonters, analyze current data and systems, and identify areas for growth and improvement.

Join us to learn more about this bold new plan and share your feedback and ideas to move the Age Strong VT vision forward. To read the plan, visit:

Date: November 30
Time: 10:00 - 11:00 AM EST
Location: Zoom
Register: Age Strong Vermont Event

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