AARP Eye Center

AARP sent a letter to Governor John Carney and Elections Commissioner Albence asking for some adjustment that would make it easier for Delawareans to vote, safely, during this difficult time.
Dear Governor Carney and Commissioner Albence:
AARP has been working to promote the health and well-being of older Americans for more than sixty years. On behalf of our 186,000 Delaware members and all older Delawareans, we appreciate your leadership and bipartisan response to the coronavirus pandemic, as well as the ongoing efforts required as we move forward.
As you consider the next steps to address the various facets of this public health emergency, we urge you to continue to be especially mindful of older adults, who are most at risk from this disease. For nearly 40 years, the turnout of voters over age 45 has significantly outpaced that of younger Americans. People over 65 continue to vote far more than any other age group. We ask that immediate actions related to the 2020 Delaware Elections focus on access to voting while protecting the health of those most vulnerable to the COVID-19 illness.
AARP Delaware is recommending the following:
· Promptly mail all Delaware voters timely, clear communications on any new guidelines, dates, and measures for voting in the 2020 Presidential Primary, Delaware Primary, and General Elections.
· Increase access to early voting in light of local, state, and federal government recommendations on social distancing.
· Consider emergency measures that would allow more Delawareans to vote by mail, like sending absentee ballots to all registered voters in the state. This would be especially useful for those in long-term care centers, medical facilities, or quarantined due to the virus.
We look forward to working with you to ensure that the largest voting bloc in our population, 50+ voters, can continue to have a safe and reliable way to participate in the 2020 elections during this unprecedented time.
Lucretia Young
AARP Delaware State Director