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AARP AARP States Hawaii

AARP Hawai`i Celebrates, Supports Caregivers in November

AARP Hawai`i is celebrating and supporting family caregivers during National Family Caregivers Month in November with art, exercise and virtual workshops to help caregivers better take care of themselves and others.

Online caregiving workshops are planned for each Saturday in November at 9:30 a.m. The workshops include Knowing Your Options for Caregiving, A Poet’s Caregiving Journey with award-winning author Francis Kakugawa, a Caregiver to Caregiver Panel of Your Peers, and Pre-Crisis Planning for Dementia. Additional workshops on dementia caregiving are offered by the Alzheimer’s Association Aloha Chapter.

“Besides offering practical advice to support Hawai`i’s 157,000 family caregivers, our offerings in November will also help caregivers take care of themselves because you can’t do a good job caring for others if you don’t practice self-care,” said Keali`i Lopez, AARP Hawai`i State Director. “We have webinars planned to help you exercise your mind and body. In addition, Francis Kakugawa’s poetry workshop will teach you how to use your creativity to bring perspective to caregiving.”

AARP Hawai`i is also sponsoring the “Art of Caring” art exhibition at the Arts at Mark’s Garage from Nov. 5 through Nov. 27. The exhibit features works by and about caregivers and the loved ones they care for.

On Veterans Day, Hawai`i Public Television is broadcasting the documentary “Sky Blossom,” about young people caring for veterans. AARP was a sponsor of the documentary, which features a Kaua`i brother and sister.

To learn more and register to get a Zoom link for the Hawai`i National Family Caregiver Month webinars go to To see all the virtual events AARP offers, go to or the AARP Hawai`i Facebook page and click on Upcoming Events.

The November caregiver virtual events are also sponsored by Hale Hauoli Hawaii, Alzheimer's Association Aloha Chapter, Maui County Office on Aging, and Gimme a Break.

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