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AARP AARP States Hawaii

AARP Hawai`i Offers Kupuna Online Technology Classes

From Google maps to Zoom, social media basics and even smart TVs, AARP Hawai`i is offering online technology classes on Fridays at 10 a.m. in April and May.

The free online classes start on April 22nd with a webinar on “All Things Zoom.” Kupuna and others who want to learn how to make the most of Zoom and how to look your best on Zoom can register at or go to or the AARP Hawai`i Facebook page and click on Upcoming Events to see all the events AARP is offering.

The online technology classes will be taught by Older Adults Technology Services, also known OATS or Senior Planet, an AARP-affiliated nonprofit group that has been helping kupuna learn and use technology since 2004.

All classes will be offered on Zoom and begin at 10 a.m. on Fridays from April 22nd to May 27th. You must pre-register to get a Zoom link. The classes are free and available to anyone but are aimed at kupuna. You do not have to be an AARP member.

The topics and schedule are as follows:

April 22: All things Zoom
April 29: Streaming & Smart TVs
May 6:    Online Health Resources
May 13:  Google Maps
May 20:  Introduction to Social Media
May 27:  Protecting Your Personal Information Online

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