AARP Eye Center
Census workers are now in the field, knocking on doors and trying to make sure everyone is counted and that Hawai`i doesn’t lose out on billions of dollars in federal funding.
Yes, it’s that important – we could lose billions over ten years if all residents are not counted.
If you haven’t filled out your 2020 Census yet or if you know someone who hasn’t completed the Census, they don’t have to wait until the Census taker knocks on your door. You can complete it now – online or by phone. Go to or call 1-800-923-8282.
If a Census-taker comes to your door, be sure to check that the person has a valid Census Bureau ID, with a Department of Commerce watermark and an expiration date. The worker also should have a copy of the invitation you were mailed about the 2020 census.
As of Aug. 3, about 59% of Hawai`i households had responded to the Census. Census takers will be out in the field until Sept. 30, unless Congress extends the deadline to complete the Census.
People living in Hawai`i who have not responded to the Census by that deadline will not be counted when the federal government distributes money to Hawa`ii for schools, hospitals, roads and even disaster assistance and preparation.