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AARP AARP States Hawaii

Have Fun, Help the Community with Virtual Volunteer Bingo

Even while social distancing, YOU can be a powerful force for good and have some fun. Play our Virtual Volunteer Bingo to connect to meaningful activities that can shape our community and our world. Enter our Summer Sweepstakes and Photo Contest, and join us for online discussions and a virtual dinner party. Let's have some fun!
BINGO - Complete five bingo squares in any order. Each one represents an activity to help the community or yourself. Click the square for project ideas, activities and resources.

SWEEPSTAKES –Enter to win a $50 grocery store gift Participation in Bingo is not required.

PHOTO CONTEST – Submit a photo to the AARP Hawai``i Facebook or Instagram page by tagging us at @aarphawaii on Facebook or @aarp_HI on Instagram to complete the Try Social Media Bingo Activity or email a photo to for your chance to win one of five $50 grocery store gift cards. Participation in Bingo is not required. Contest starts June 15.

DISCUSSION GROUPS & TRAVEL TRIVIA– Connect with AARP volunteers. Discuss what’s for dinner at a virtual dinner discussion group at Enjoy travel trivia based on virtual trips featured on the Bingo Square at
VIRTUAL DINNER PARTY Celebrate service while eating dinner with others at a Zoom get-together on July 2. View photo contest winners. Chance to win door prizes. Go to

About AARP Hawaii
Contact information and more from your state office. Learn what we are doing to champion social change and help you live your best life.