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AARP AARP States Hawaii

Learn the Art of Origami at Free AARP Hawai`i Webinars

Exercise your brain and your fingers and learn the Japanese art of paper folding at two free AARP Hawai`i webinars this month.

Craft expert Joy Shimabukuro will demonstrate “Easy Origami Paper Folding” on Tuesday, June 13 and Wednesday, June 28 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Learn to make a flower-shaped paper basket and chopsticks holder at the June 13th webinar. Joy will teach viewers how to fold an aloha shirt treat bag and wallet photo frame in the second class.

To learn more and register call 877-926-8300 or go to, or the AARP Hawai`i Facebook page and click on the events or upcoming events tab to see and register for all of the events AARP offers.

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