AARP Eye Center
BATON ROUGE—AARP Louisiana released the following statement from Andrew Muhl Director of Advocacy, AARP Louisiana, in response to today’s passage of Senate Bill 39, which creates the Community Options Waiver Fund for seniors and adults with disabilities:

“AARP Louisiana applauds the Louisiana House of Representatives and Senate for the final passage of SB 39, which will provide more services and help to reduce the waitlist of nearly 8,000 individuals who want to live at home as they age. AARP Louisiana also wants to thank Senator Gerald Boudreaux and Speaker Pro Tempore Tanner Magee for introducing this bipartisan effort that will benefit the lives of older adults and their families for years to come.
“As the population of older adults continues to increase exponentially within the next decade, providing funding for services that aging Louisianans can easily access will be especially important to keep older adults in their homes – where they want to be – as they age.
“Historically, dedicated trust funds have been used to expand in-home services for other groups and we are pleased to see this policy now being replicated for seniors. We look forward to Governor Edwards signing this into law on behalf of all older adults and the 680,000 family caregivers in Louisiana.”
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