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AARP AARP States Louisiana Caregiving

Governor John Bel Edwards recognized as 2016 Capitol Caregiver

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AARP Louisiana recently recognized Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards as a 2016 Capitol Caregiver.

Capitol Caregivers are a bipartisan group of elected officials from across the country who fought for family caregivers in 2016- identifying needs facing caregiver


s, overcoming barriers to prevent caregivers from getting support, and establishing policies that will help family caregivers have the tools they need to care for their loved ones.

Governor Edwards was recognized for his leadership and support of Act 351, also known as the Louisiana Family Caregiver Act.

The Louisiana Family Caregiver Act recognizes the family caregiver in a hospital, lets them know when their loved one will be discharged, and helps them better understand the tasks expected of them when their loved one returns home.

“Families across Louisiana are better equipped to take care of their loved ones at home after a hospital stay due to Governor Edwards’ leadership on the Louisiana Family Caregiver Act,” said Denise Bottcher, AARP Louisiana State Director.  “Families bear the burden of caregiving and we want to do everything we can to support them along this journey.”

“AARP Louisiana fought fo

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r this new law because supporting caregivers is a top priority for all of us.  There are many things left to do and we plan to continue to work with lawmakers to make sure that family caregivers and their loved ones have the supports they need to receive proper long-term care and live in a setting of their choosing,” said Andrew Muhl, AARP Louisiana Advocacy Director.

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