AARP Eye Center

Washington, DC — In a statement today, AARP Executive Vice President Nancy LeaMond applauded the withdrawal of the House health care legislation that would have harmed millions of older Americans and their families:
“The leadership’s decision to withdraw the bill from consideration proves that the voices of Americans are very powerful. This harmful legislation would have added an Age Tax on older Americans and put vulnerable populations at risk.
“Instead of this harmful bill, we encourage Congress to focus on the issues important to older Americans and their families, including: protecting and improving Medicare’s benefits and financing; providing access to affordable quality coverage; preventing insurers from engaging in discriminatory practices; lowering prescription drug costs; providing new incentives to expand home and community based services; and strengthening efforts to fight fraud, waste, and abuse.
“ AARP will continue to oppose legislation that would impose an Age Tax on older Americans, weaken Medicare, erode seniors’ ability to live independently because of billions of dollars in Medicaid cuts, and give sweetheart deals to drug and insurance companies while doing nothing to lower the cost of health care or prescription drugs.”