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AARP Real Possibilities by AARP Michigan is a weekly TV show airing every Tuesday on ABC 53 in Lansing and Jackson at 9:00 am and ABC 4 West Michigan at noon.
News and Notes from AARP Michigan
Free resources, community programming, and access to discounts to meet the unique needs of veterans and their loved ones.
AARP Michigan is pushing this year for legislation to create a state-facilitated retirement savings program for Michigan’s private-sector workers.
AARP Michigan announced its 2024 Legislative Agenda yesterday during the annual lobby day at Heritage Hall, inside the Michigan Capitol Building. More than 50 dedicated volunteers engaged with legislators, representing both major parties and regions across Michigan.
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Michiganders who provide care for veterans spend on average $11,500 of their personal income on out-of-pocket costs related to caregiving each year—1.5 times higher than what other family caregivers spend ($7,242), according to AARP data. And 43 percent of veteran and military caregivers experienced at least one financial setback such as having to take on more debt or dip into personal savings, according to research from AARP and the National Alliance for Caregiving.
As retirement anxiety looms high in Michigan, many advocates are pushing for a state-facilitated program that will improve retirement savings for employees of small businesses.
AARP, the nation’s largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering people 50 and older, announced today the priority issues on its 2023 Michigan Legislative Agenda. Approximately 3.9 million residents in Michigan are 50 and over, representing 39% of the state’s population.
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