AARP Eye Center

AARP Michigan will sponsor a rally in support of legislation to lower prescription drug prices, including bipartisan bills to allow importation of lower-priced drugs from Canada, on Nov. 18 from 11 a.m. to 12 noon at Waterview Loft, Detroit Port Authority, on the Detroit River.
Speakers at the event will include U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Michigan; U.S. Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-State Sen. Ruth Johnson, R-Holly; State Rep. Hank Vaupel, R-Fowlerville; Rep. Kevin Hertel, D-St. Clair Shores; and Rep. John Chirkun, D-Rosevlle. All have been involved in sponsoring and supporting bipartisan legislation to reduce prescription drug prices.
Those who participate in the rally also will back state and federal legislation to increase transparency in prescription drug pricing, cap out-of-pocket costs for consumers, allow Medicare to negotiation lower Rx prices, and others.
The location of the rally on the Detroit River at 130 E. Atwater St., Detroit, across from Windsor, Ontario, Canada is intended to call attention to the importation bill introduced by State Sen. Ruth Johnson, R-Holly. Johnson and others will address the participants.
“Michiganders should not have to drive or take a bus to Canada to buy affordable prescription drugs,” said Paula D. Cunningham, State Director of AARP Michigan. “And no one should have to choose between purchasing food and medicine. Americans should not have to pay the highest drug prices in the world.
“Please join us at the rally in support of making lifesaving medications and other prescription drugs more affordable to everyone.”
AARP is conducting an Rx Greed campaign in an attempt to push state and federal lawmakers to take action to lower drug prices.
Many Michiganders are struggling to pay for their prescription drugs. Surveys show one-third of people in this state who are prescribed drugs don’t buy them because they are not affordable.
Concerned citizens will be bussed in from all over the state and Frank Beckmann, well known WJR media personality, will broadcast his show live from the rally that morning from 9:00 am to noon.
REGISTER for this free event by calling 1-877-926-8300 or go to Transportation options will be available upon registration. Light refreshments and box lunches will be served.