AARP Eye Center

LANSING, MI – AARP Michigan State Director Jacqueline Morrison issued the following statement on Gov. Rick Snyder’s budget message:
“AARP Michigan commends the governor for proposing to expand Medicaid to provide coverage for hardworking people who’ve paid in all their lives but are now struggling to make ends meet. The governor’s decision will be of significant help to 50 to 64-year-olds who have lost their jobs or are struggling in lower-paying jobs without health insurance and cannot currently qualify for Medicaid health coverage.
“AARP strongly urges the Michigan Legislature to support Gov. Snyder’s plan to expand the program. Doing so would mean health care coverage for 470,000 in Michigan who are now uncovered, according to a November study by the nationally known Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured.
“We also support the governor’s call to accept federal funding and move forward with the state-federal health care insurance exchange partnership. The exchange will go a long way toward stepping up competition in the health care market, making coverage more affordable and accessible to our members and others.
“Finally, AARP will examine details to determine whether the proposed spending increase for long-term care builds upon this year’s increased funding for home and community-based care as a preferred alternative to nursing home care.
”We look forward to working with the Governor and legislators as they make important choices on how to strengthen and improve health care and long-term care in Michigan.”