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[LANSING, MI] AARP Foundation Tax-Aide, the nation’s largest free tax preparation assistance program, is looking to expand its team of volunteers in Michigan for the upcoming tax season.
Tax-Aide offers free in-person preparation and assistance to anyone, especially those 50 and older and those who can’t afford a tax preparation service. Since its inception over 50 years ago, Tax-Aide has served more than 70 million taxpayers.
The program is seeking volunteer tax preparers, client facilitators, those who can provide technical and management assistance, and interpreters. Every level of experience and different skills are welcome. All volunteers receive extensive training and IRS certification.
Volunteers are needed across the state, from Metro Detroit to Marquette. Volunteers can apply starting now through Nov. 1.
“In Michigan, more than 1,000 Tax-Aide volunteers help about 70,000 people file their federal and state tax returns in a normal year,” said Karen Kafantaris, AARP Michigan Associate State Director for Community Engagement. “They help taxpayers all around the state, learning skills while giving back to their communities.”
Last year was anything but normal, as Covid-19 reduced the program to about one-third its usual size. A larger than usual influx of new volunteers will be needed to replace those who decided to retire.
The program is offered at about 150 sites in Michigan, including senior centers, libraries and other convenient locations.
The time commitment is 10-20 hours for training and several hours each week from Feb. 1-April 15 doing counseling and tax return preparation. Volunteers receive free training and are reimbursed on a limited basis for qualified program-related expenses.
To learn about volunteer opportunities, visit taxaide or call 1-888-687-2277. Tax-Aide is offered in coordination with the IRS.