AARP Eye Center

AARP Michigan advocates on policy issues that matter most to Michigan residents age 50 and over and their families.
These issues include economic security; access to quality, affordable health care; and age-friendly communities in which to live.
In our state legislative advocacy efforts, AARP relies on more than 200 AARP Michigan volunteers, a state office staff located in Lansing, and our 1.4 million Michigan members.
Lisa Dedden Cooper, Advocacy Manager for AARP Michigan, noted that our 2013 state legislative priorities include:
-- Age-Friendly Communities
-- Fighting the Erosion of Retirement Security
-- Medicaid Expansion
-- Employment and Entrepreneurship
-- Home and Community-Based Long-Term Services
-- Implementing Michigan's Health Insurance Exchange
-- APRN Scope of Practice
-- Retired Nurse Volunteer Licensure
-- Preventing Elder Abuse and Exploitation
-- Fighting Medigap Rate Increases
-- Uniform Guradianship Jurisdiction Act
-- Integrated Care for 'Dual Eligibles'
Read more about AARP positions on these issues here:
AARPMI LegislativeAgenda 3 28 2013