AARP Eye Center

They came for sandwiches, iced tea and conversation and hopefully they left with a better understanding of AARP.
More than one-third of the state Legislature was represented at a luncheon reception hosted by AARP Michigan in the House Office Building on March 13.
Legislators and/or staff from 57 House and Senate offices attended the event.
They heard about the AARP legislative agenda, including passage of Medicaid expansion and the appropriation for a state-federal partnership to implement the health insurance exchange.
AARP Michigan State Director Jacqueline Morrison delivered brief remarks about the origins and goals of the organization, including an account of Ethel Percy Andrus' chicken coop story and introduction of staff and volunteers.
The Capitol Corps, a group of advocacy volunteers, attended the reception to rub elbows with legislators.
"The room was full. We prepared our volunteers and connected them with their legislators, and we connected staff and Executive Council members with key legislators," said Lisa Dedden Cooper, AARP Michigan Advocacy Manager. "Everybody was schmoozing and talking about our issues. The food was delicious. The photos were great. We reinforced that we are present at the Capitol, and on top of things."