AARP Eye Center

WASHINGTON—AARP Executive Vice President and Chief Advocacy and Engagement Officer Nancy LeaMond issued the following statement reacting to the House passage of the Build Back Better Act:
“Today’s vote is a historic step to help seniors afford the prescription drugs they need. The bill that the House passed today includes meaningful reforms to bring down medication costs: finally allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices, penalizing drug companies that increase their prices faster than inflation, adding a hard out-of-pocket cap to Medicare Part D, and capping co-payments for insulin.
“Seniors are sick and tired of paying the highest prices in the world for the medications they need. We applaud the members of Congress who stood up to Big Pharma and ensured that Build Back Better will lower drug prices and reduce costs for all taxpayers. AARP strongly supports the bill’s investment in the health of seniors by adding a hearing benefit to the Medicare program. It’s long overdue that Medicare cover the whole person and this addition is an important step.
“We thank the House for including paid leave in the bill they passed today, offering much-needed help to working family caregivers who are struggling to balance paid employment and caring for their loved ones. AARP supports the critical investments made in home and community-based services so that more older Americans are able to choose how they live as they age, as well as the job training investments to help the long-term unemployed, many of whom are older workers. Importantly, the bill will also make health coverage more affordable and accessible for millions of Americans aged 50-64. And, the bill makes a significant investment in housing, which is of critical importance to older adults who will benefit from the construction and repair of affordable and age-friendly housing options.
“Now we urge the Senate to take up this legislation and move towards a vote quickly. Older Americans have had enough with broken promises of reform – AARP and our nearly 38 million members will continue our fight for prescription drug reform, including taking on Big Pharma, until this bill is signed into law and implemented.”