AARP Eye Center

AARP Michigan celebrated final passage today of a House bill that enables nurses and other retired health care professionals to get a special license to perform volunteer work in rural and underserved areas.
House Bill 4156 sponsored by Rep. Phil Potvin, R-Cadillac, passed the House 97-13, and is headed to Gov. Rick Snyder for his signature.
“AARP strongly supported this legislation throughout the process,” said AARP Michigan State Director Jacqueline Morrison. “It’s a double win. The bill paves the way for retired nurses and other health care professionals to give back to communities where there is an acute need for their services. We commend Rep. Potvin and the Legislature for their good work.”
Rep. Potvin said in a news release: “We want to make it as easy as possible for retired health professionals to volunteer their time and talents to those people and organizations in need. This bill helps accomplish that, and in turn will improve the quality of life of many in Michigan. We need to be able to allow more of our medical professionals to give of themselves and care for the people that have little or no other options and need care the most.”
The bill says volunteer licensees must acknowledge they will not receive compensation for their work and take continuing education courses if they have been retired for over three years. There is no cost for the license.
AARP Michigan worked with legislators on the bill, testified in favor of the measure in committee and sent letters to lawmakers urging its passage.