AARP Eye Center

From Michigan Consumers for Healthcare
Over 12,000 citizens have visited the website since Monday looking for federally trained and certified navigators in their community who can answer their questions or assist them in the Michigan Health Insurance Marketplace enrollment process. EnrollMichigan is the central hub for the statewide Enroll Michigan navigator network developed by Michigan Consumers for Healthcare and its many partner agencies.
The Federal enrollment site,, continued to experience technical difficulties and delays as of Thursday morning. As a consequence, MCH is advising its navigator network to delay making enrollment appointments with consumers until next week to allow the federal government time to resolve technical issues.
“We need to keep in mind that we have a significant enrollment window and that everyone who wants assistance in getting enrolled in coverage will receive assistance,” said MCH Director Don Hazaert. “Federal officials will resolve the technical issues at in short order. Our role as navigator agencies in the meantime is to continue to help answer the public’s many questions and remain a resource for our communities.”
AARP also has a website to assist enrollees: