AARP Eye Center

LANSING, MI -- Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel announced Monday the formation of the Michigan Elder Abuse Task Force.
She joined with Supreme Court Justices Richard Bernstein and Megan Cavanagh, Midland County Prosecutor J. Dee Brooks, state legislators Rep. Brian Elder and Sen. Paul Wojno, and 72-year-old Macomb County financial fraud victim Dennis Burgio in the announcement.
"More than 73,000 older adults in Michigan are victims of elder abuse," Nessel said. "They experience physical abuse, financial exploitation, emotional abuse, or neglect.
"The symptoms and treatment of abuse against our most senior population are complex and demand a concerted effort by this state to tackle what is an often unrecognized and unreported social problem. That's why we have brought together dozens of different organizations to work collectively and collaboratively to tackle this challenge."
AARP Michigan has a representative on the task force.
Read the full news release here: FINAL Elder Abuse Task Force Announcement Release_