AARP Eye Center

Okay. Maybe they came for the Shish Kebabs and cookies, but they stayed for the lively conversation with AARP Michigan volunteers.
The tally shows 71 state legislative districts were represented March 12 at the AARP Michigan Legislative Luncheon in the north wing of the State Capitol. That includes 56 House Districts and 15 Senate Districts, 37 Republican and 34 Democratic offices.
And for the first time, a Governor stopped by. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer breezed in, accompanied by staff. She chatted with volunteers, embraced many in the crowd, and posed for selfies. She was welcomed like a rock star.
Greeting lawmakers and the Governor were 46 red-branded volunteers and 11 AARP chapter officers. Including legislators, their staffers, and central legislative staff, about 225 people showed up for fun, food and schmoozing.
A half-dozen volunteers had a chance to interview legislators one-on-one as a video camera rolled.
Those in attendance received policy documents, including the AARP Michigan 2019 State Legislative Agenda: AARPMI2019.StateLegisAgenda.3.12.pdf
"We had a great turnout. The Capitol corridor was bustling with activity and that added to the excitement. Our guests were evenly split between the two parties. It was a very successful event," said Paula D. Cunningham, AARP Michigan State Director.