WASHINGTON, D.C. – With Americans losing tens of billions of dollars annually to investment fraud schemes, what mindsets and behaviors are common among those who fall victim? A new survey by the AARP Fraud Watch Network finds that the most susceptible typically exhibit an unusually high degree of confidence in unregulated investments and tend to trade more actively than the general investor population. More of the investment scam victims also reported that they value wealth accumulation as a significant measure of success in life and acknowledged being open to unsolicited telephone and email sales pitches.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – A new survey from AARP says busy consumers relying on the convenience of public wireless networks to keep up-to-date on email, social networks, shopping and even their finances often put their sensitive personal information at risk. The AARP Fraud Watch Network today launches a "Watch Your Wi-Fi" campaign to educate Americans about Wi-Fi hazards and how they can protect themselves. As part of the campaign, AARP has also begun encouraging businesses that maintain free wireless networks for their customers to participate in the educational effort.
WASHINGTON, DC—A new survey of internet users shows that the freedom and convenience of public wireless networks may come at a cost. Nearly half failed a quiz about online and wireless safety, and the survey results indicate that thousands nationwide are engaging in activity that could put them squarely in the sights of hackers looking to steal their personal information.