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The AARP Michigan State Office hosted 16 volunteers for Life Reimagined Guide training on June 17-18.
The volunteers spent two days experiencing a Life Checkup and learning about this new AARP initiative.
The Guides are now ready to lead Life Checkups throughout the state to help Michiganders take the journey of self-discovery and to decide their “what’s next” moment.
"The trainees were fully engaged during the session and left energized and excited about the life-changing potential of Life Reimagined Checkups for people of all ages," said Jacqueline Morrison, AARP Michigan State Director.
Training was coordinated by Careena Eggleston, AARP Michigan Volunteer Coordinator and led by Susan Lutz, AARP Volunteer Training Advisor and Deborah Turner and Jayne Wallace, Volunteers from the AARP Office of Volunteer Services.
Michigan Volunteers taking part in the training were: Nancy Baker, Cheryl Celestin, Dolores Sturdivant, Marilyn Hubbard, Julie Lake, Jill Harkema, Gary Umstead, Lynda Jeffries, China Cochran, Donna Karen Wilds, Lynette Kelsey, Jane Royer and Lyndava Williams. Volunteers on the Executive Council participating included Jimmy and Sally Bruce and Karen Love.
State office staff who took part included: Andy Farmer, Jennifer Feuerstein, Karen Kafantaris, Jacqueline Morrison, Andrea Palmer, and Lisa Whitmore Davis and Careena Eggleston.