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En español | Caregiving may be one of the most important, and challenging, roles you’ll ever take on. No matter where you are in your caregiving journey — starting to plan; taking care of a family member in your home, in a facility, or from a distance; or managing end-of-life caregiving responsibilities — having resources at your fingertips will make the process easier.
AARP developed this family caregiver guide with you, the caregiver, in mind and as a starting point to help you find the services and support you might need throughout your journey.
To order a print copy of this online guide, call the toll-free AARP Family Caregiving Resource Line at 877-333-5885 and indicate which state(s) you would like to receive. A copy will be mailed to you.

Caregiver Support
Family Caregiver Support Program (844-822-4622)
Provides information about services for family caregivers, including gaining access to available services, individual counseling, support groups, respite care, supplemental services to complement care and caregiver training to assist in making decisions and solving problems related to caregiving roles.
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (800-421-0762)
Helps eligible households with home energy expenses, which may include assistance with heating and cooling bill payments, crisis bill payments, and heating and cooling equipment repair and replacement.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (800-948-3050)
Eligible households receive food assistance through an Electronic Benefits Transfer card to cover a portion of their food budget, as well as nutritional education.
Disability Rights Mississippi (800-772-4057; 601-968-0600)
Provides free legal services to people with disabilities in the areas of special education, the Americans With Disabilities Act, protection from abuse and neglect, Medicaid and community services.
Mississippi Center for Legal Services (800-498-1804)
Provides free civil legal assistance to eligible low-income residents.
North Mississippi Rural Legal Services Elder Law Project (800-898-8731; 800-498-1804 intake hotline 662-234-8731)
Provides free civil legal services to residents age 60 and older.

Community Health Center Association of Mississippi (601-981-1817)
Membership organization made up of 21 community health centers that provide access to primary health care services regardless of patients’ financial or insurance status. The website includes a Find a Community Health Center tool.
Department of Mental Health Community Mental Health Centers (877-210-8513; 601-359-1288)
Provides a range of community- based mental health, substance use and, in some regions, intellectual and developmental disabilities services.
Medicaid Home- and Community-Based Services (800-421-2408; 601-359-6050)
Programs offer in-home services to eligible residents, such as homemaker services, attendant care, medication oversight, adult day health care, home-delivered meals, personal care services, institutional or in-home respite services, expanded home health visits and more.
Housing and Care Facilities
Long-Term Care Ombudsman (888-844-0041)
Provides consumer protection advocacy services to residents of long-term care facilities, such as nursing homes, assisted living facilities, specialty care facilities and boarding homes. Anyone can use an ombudsman to report a concern and get help resolving problems, including residents, residents’ family members and friends, and long-term care facility employees.
Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program (601-965-4757)
Open to low-income households made up of at least one adult age 62 or older.
Information and Services
Area Agencies on Aging
Network provides home- and community-based services and support for older adults, vulnerable adults and their caregivers, from home-delivered meals, to help signing up for Medicare, to finding opportunities to connect with others.
Central Mississippi: 866-981-1511; 601-981-1511 | East Central: 800-264-2007; 601-683-2007 | Golden Triangle: 888-324-9000; 662-324-7860 | North Central: 888-427-0714; 662-283-2675 | North Delta: 800-844-2433; 662-561-4100 | Northeast: 800-745-6961; 662-728-6248 | South Delta: 800-898-3055; 662-378-3831 Southern: 800-444-8014; 228-868-2311 | Southwest: 800-338-2049; 601-446-6044 | Three Rivers: 877-489-6911; 662-489-2415

Bolivar County Council on Aging (877-866-8272)
Provides a range of transportation options to the public and specialized populations. Commuter transportation services are also available to employment, educational, medical, recreational and social destinations.
Mississippi Access to Care (844-822-4622)
Serves older adults, people with disabilities and their family members and representatives seeking assistance with long-term care. Provides information and referrals to needed services and supports, person-centered counseling and screening for Medicaid waivers. Available regardless of an individual’s financial ability at a local Mississippi Access to Care center, by telephone, in home or at another convenient location upon request.
Department of Human Services, Division of Aging and Adult Services (601-359-4915)
Assists aging and vulnerable adults as well as their families and caregivers in achieving healthy, safe and independent lifestyles through advocacy, protection, education and stewardship of public resources.
End of Life
Louisiana-Mississippi Hospice and Palliative Care Association (888-546-1500)
Provides patients in hospice and their families with resources to help make better choices regarding serious illness and end-of-life care.