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AARP AARP States Nebraska Advocacy

AARP Scores 2023 Legislative Wins for Nebraskans 50+

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AARP Nebraska volunteers meet with Governor Pillen during March 2023 Lobby Week.
During each legislative session, AARP Nebraska staff and volunteers work tirelessly on issues important to age 50-plus Nebraskans at the State Capitol. We're pleased to report that this year’s top legislative achievements include:

Reducing Rx Drug Costs
woman testing blood sugar
Sidekick/Getty Images
AARP led efforts to tackle the high cost of life-saving prescription drugs. Beginning in January 2024, the monthly out-of-pocket cost of prescription insulin will be capped at $35. The cap applies to the lowest cost brand or generic drug on an individual or group health plan.

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Establishing a Broadband Office

AARP supported creation of the new Nebraska Broadband Office to administer and maintain high-speed internet services. AARP is urging Governor Pillen and his administration to focus on areas important to older adults as the state develops a digital equity plan. Expanding high-speed internet access, building digital literacy skills and promoting programs with content suited to the needs of older adults are AARP’s priorities for the plan.

Social Security Tax Relief

The Legislature acted to speed up the complete phase-out of state income tax on Social Security benefits from 2025 to 2024. AARP successfully fought for landmark legislation phasing out elimination of this tax in the 2022 legislative session, providing much needed tax relief for retirees.

Protecting Older Nebraskans’ Ability to Vote
[Photo Credit:]
R Rob M Ferguson
Voters approved an initiative in 2022 requiring a photo ID to vote. AARP worked closely
with state lawmakers on implementing legislation to protect older Nebraskans’ ability to vote. The bill allows Nebraskans to use expired IDs and receive free IDs such as birth certificates to meet the voter ID requirements. It also provides funding for an education campaign to explain the changes.

Eliminating Home Equity Theft
Nebraska is one of 11 states where property owners have been at risk of losing their entire nest egg if they fall too far behind on paying their property tax. Local governments have been able to take their entire land and home as payment – no matter the size of the debt or the value of the property. The Legislature passed a bill with AARP support ending this practice of “home equity theft” while creating an important notification process to help Nebraskans avoid foreclosure due to tax liens.

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Leaves still hold on in December at Lincoln's Capital
ChrisBoswell/Getty Images/iStockphoto
Additional Legislative Wins

AARP also advocated for successful passage of several other bills that impact older Nebraskans. These measures include increasing the personal needs allowance for those on Medicaid living in long-term care facilities; funding for a Dementia Coordinator position at the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services; and requiring insurers to waive deductibles and cost-sharing requirements for colonoscopy screenings.

For a comprehensive report on our 2023 legislative wins, contact us at or 1-866-389-5651.

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Join our Advocacy Volunteer Team!
Do you want to make a difference for older Nebraskans and their families? To learn more about how you can get involved as a volunteer in our advocacy efforts, send email to or call us toll free at 1-866-389-5651.  
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