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AARP AARP States Nebraska Veterans

Join AARP’s Virtual Volunteer Veterans Brigade

Madeline Cass

Volunteer with AARP to send messages of hope and support to veterans and their families on social media.

The Virtual Volunteer Veterans Brigade raises awareness of AARP’s work to support veterans in the areas of caregiving, avoiding fraud, transitioning to work and jobs, and connecting veterans and military families to benefits. AARP has over four million members with former military service, including 30,500 in Nebraska.

“At around 16% of our total AARP membership in our state, veterans and their families’ concerns matter to us,” says Danny DeLong, an AARP Nebraska volunteer and U.S. Army veteran who served in Vietnam.

DeLong is the volunteer leader for the Brigade’s state-based effort, called the Nebraska Vet Express. “Think of us as a social media version of Nebraska’s famed Pony Express,” he says.

Volunteers do not need to be a veteran, a member of a veteran family, or an AARP member. The opportunity is open to volunteers with social media experience or anyone wanting to learn how to use social media.

The Brigade will send 1-2 messages every two weeks.  In turn, Nebraska Vet Express messengers will post the messages through their social media channels. Nebraska Vet Express will also originate messages for our messengers to post.

To learn more, contact us at

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