AARP Eye Center
AARP Nebraska is hosting a free online event Nov. 10 exploring the history of the Hastings Naval Ammunitions Depot and its lasting impact on the region.
The featured speaker is Teresa Kreutzer-Hodson, curator of collections at the Hastings Museum.
The program will run from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. The public is welcome to attend and AARP membership is not required. Register here to attend the live event or to view the recorded program on demand.

The Hastings facility is one of the largest of the Navy’s World War II munitions depots built and operated in the 1940s.
During the event, participants will hear about farmers who lost their land; learn how businesses coped with demand and worker shortages; see images of civilian works; discover who helped build ammunition in the heartland; and find out how communities adapted to the large influx of people.