AARP Eye Center
Are you among the 1 in 10 rural Nebraskans who experience significant limitations with Internet service?
AARP believes that broadband should be accessible and affordable for all Nebraskans. It is a necessity in today’s wired world. We know that high-speed Internet helps older adults avoid isolation and remain independent as they age. Unfortunately, too many rural Nebraskans have been left behind with substandard service
You can weigh in on this issue and make the case for improved broadband in our small towns and rural areas.The Rural Broadband Task Force will provide an opportunity for public comment at the beginning of their Sept. 20 meeting at 9:30 a.m. CT at Varner Hall, 3835 Holdrege Street in Lincoln. The task force will meet again on Friday, Oct. 18 at 9:30 a.m. CT at the same location.
You can also submit written comments by Oct. 10 via the contact and comment form or by e-mailing
Comments can also be mailed to:
Rural Broadband Task Force
c/o Nebraska Information Technology Commission
501 South 14th Street, 4th Floor
P.O. Box 95045
Lincoln, NE 68509-5045

Nebraska's Rural Broadband Task Force was created to review issues relating to availability, adoption, and affordability of broadband services in rural areas of Nebraska by LB994 (April 2018). The 14-member task force is chaired by Ed Toner, State of Nebraska CIO and Chair of the Nebraska Information Technology Commission. The task force has been studying issues related to accelerating broadband deployment in Nebraska and developing recommendations.
For more information on the Rural Broadband Task Force, click HERE