AARP Eye Center

A state law will cap how much Nebraskans with private health insurance must pay out of pocket for some types of insulin.
Last year, the federal Inflation Reduction Act capped insulin costs for Medicare beneficiaries. Under the new Nebraska law, insurers may not charge consumers more than $35 for a 30-day supply of a health plan’s lowest brand or generic tier of insulin. The law takes effect on Jan. 1.
The drug, which helps regulate blood sugar, is a necessity for many people with diabetes. The American Diabetes Association estimates that more than 141,000 Nebraskans, or nearly 10 percent of the adult population, have been diagnosed with diabetes.
Capping the cost of insulin was a top priority for AARP Nebraska during the 2023 legislative session. Over the past decade, the list price of insulin has doubled, or tripled in some cases, according to a 2021 congressional report.
At least 22 other states and the District of Columbia have capped some out-of-pocket copayments for patients with diabetes, according to the diabetes association.